The New York Christian Coalition stands in full and unconditional support of the nation of Israel in its actions to defend itself against Hezbollah. We call on Americans everywhere to stand with us in unflinching support behind Israel, which has become the point of the spear in this war against Islamofacism.
Some have called it World War III. We agree. September 11, 2001 brought into the light what had been, until then, brewing in secret terrorist training camps all around the globe.
When we deposed Saddam Hussein, and went into Iraq we found that a brief and quickly won war against a tyrant dictator had quickly morphed into a fifty-year war against an ideology bent on the destruction of the West. The brotherhood of islamofacists are warring against liberty. They will never stop until they win, or they die trying.
The typical conventions of war do not apply to a people whose identity is caught up in the destruction of Israel. This is their reason for living, and for dying. They sincerely believe that killing, and even dying for “Allah” is a good and noble thing. This mindset places them beyond the limits of reasonable discourse. Any talk of peace or cease-fire is a strategic move on their part to rebuild and regain strength for the war that must be fought to the finish.
President Bush flushed out the terrorists into the open in Iraq. Now it’s all-out war. We must understand that this is like no other war we have ever fought. This is a war of ideologies. It will never be won until the next generation of future Jihadists is won over by the ideas of freedom and democracy. We are looking at no less than a fifty-year war to change the minds and hearts of millions of people. I question whether or not it can be done, but we must try, or succumb to tyranny.
It will be the children of the children of today’s Jihadists who may stand a chance to bring sanity to this sect of Islam.
We will never win this war with bullets alone. We must win the hearts of the next generation while we neutralize their fathers who would rather die warring against the west than talk peace with “The Great Satan.” If they choose to die than we must help them do so before they kill us. Then we must teach the principles of democracy, and the blessings of liberty, if there is to be any chance of real peace for coming generations.
There must be no talk of “proportionate response.” This is not a game where “You take my pawn, so I’ll take yours. “ No. This is war. The only acceptable proportionate response is the total neutralization of terrorist forces around the globe. Until then -and I am convinced it will be for no less than fifty years- we must continue to fight and support Israel with all that we have. The next generation of free people depends on no less.