Wednesday, June 28, 2006


It’s clearly passed the time when we should have made a point of framing the argument in true terms instead of allowing others to dishonestly frame the debate to promote an agenda that is anathema to everything the United States has stood for since our founding.

Let’s be clear. There are forces in America that purport to be on the side of America and our Constitution, but in truth, they are on the side of a revolutionary movement seeking to change America in such a way that it would be hardly recognizable to our forefathers. They call it “progress.”They call it progress to throw off any public expression of dependency on the God of the Bible. They believe we have “evolved” to such a point that we no longer need “religion.” In their thinking, a superstition for “the poor, uneducated and easy to lead.”

Truth be told, this is nothing less than arrogant Atheism.

Once God is expelled from the halls of government, men and women will establish their own standard of right and wrong. They will, in effect, be their own gods. (Do you remember what happened to Lucipher when he tried to usurp God’s authority?) President Eisenhower told us, and President Ford repeated it,

“Without God there can be no American form of government or an American way of life.”

It’s clear then that the enemies of the state want another form of government and another way of life –that’s treason, not progress.

Though I have yet to read Ann Coulter’s new book, she seems to have hit the nail on the head with its title, “Godless –the religion of liberalism” If her title accurately describes what’s between the covers she has it exactly right. There’s no such thing as no religion. Everybody believes in something, and that which one believes to be the greatest force or authority in life is the object of one’s religion. Who are the card-carrying members of this new religion (New in America, but as old as mankind)?
  • The New York Times
  • The mainstream media
  • The National Education Association
  • Labor Unions
  • Gay Rights proponents
  • Abortion proponents
  • Illegal Immigration Advocates
  • Radical Environmentalist Groups
  • The National Council of Churches
  • Hollywood
  • Academia
  • Trial Lawyers
  • …And more…

What do all these groups have in common? A hatred for George W. Bush. In fact it’s an irrational detestation they have for him. What they don’t realize is that their hatred is not for the man, but for the One who dwells inside him, the Holy Spirit.

Now please understand, I have my issues with George Bush, myself, especially when it comes to illegal immigration and globalism. Nevertheless, he claims to be a born again believer, and therefore the Holy Spirit is dwelling in him. That’s why the godless react irrationally at the very sight of him, or even the sound of his voice. They really don’t even know why they hate him so much. Ask any one of them, and they’ll give you reasons like, “I just don’t like the way he smirks.” Now tell me, is that an intelligent way to judge a world leader, by the way he smirks? Yet that’s the kind of response you’ll get from the majority of liberals who simply hate Bush. It’s not Bush they hate, but the God living inside him that they hate whether they realize it or not. These are the real enemies of the state.

They present a real threat as long as those who know better remain complacent. Listen to what Abraham Lincoln said about our day,

"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."

This is precisely what will happen unless we stand up and fight for our faith, our marriages and families and for our freedoms.There is no Islamofacist living who can damage America more than the complacency of spoiled Americans who take their liberty for granted. It’s time to call the enemy for what he is, and engage him fully in every deliberate and civil way possible, until this nation is back on course to a future of peace and prosperity, and a beacon of light and liberty once again, to a lost and dying world.