The results of this year’s mid-term elections should serve as a cup of cold water in the face of those who take our liberty, peace and prosperity for granted.
Though we expect the next two years to be marked by national confusion and counter-productivity, we must use this time to make sober judgment of the condition of our nation, and the government we just elected into office. Our battle is for the soul of our nation. We must educate and motivate a complacent electorate to bring traditional American values back into government in 2008.
The New York Christian Coalition will re-organize, re-tool, and prepare to bring correction to the leftward lurch our nation has just made. If we do our part, and if God grants us favor, we may still be able to redeem the greatest nation the world has ever known.
It is important to elect a social conservative to the White House in 2008, as well as to win back seats in the Congress.
There is such a flurry about this last election. Primarily, because the Republican officials did not back the President and disappointed the Christian and Conservative voter. So now they have to pay for it and WAKE UP! It is fine to get the Activists motivated, but there is a source of power no one has mastered. Oh, it isn’t that they haven’t visited the ideas mentioned, but they haven’t been persistent, and prevailed over the scheduling challenges. Good Lord, the President was reading to children on 9-11; DO THE SAME!
Here is a perfect example: My grandson told me all his teachers teach that they should vote for the Democrats, he has heard this since Clinton, he will be graduating this year-he is a democrat.
How can the Republicans fight this? The suggestions below will work and will change the new generation of voters. They will be “intelligent voters.”
The numbered suggestions are what the party has to organize. Every politician should be scheduling these meetings because:
• It is free publicity.
• It is Good Publicity
• It will bring him thousands of new voters
• The communities will know his name and face
• The children will remind their parents (“he was at my school Mom, Dad”, etc.)
• The pleasant memories the Representatives give to the children will affect the people they know, and will meet in the future.
• Give them some simple history to remember, and ask what would they do or want done?
Assembly meetings, lectures, guest appearances, book signings, READINGS, and best of all end it with a contest at every school, then every County.
Here is an announcement sample from West Point:
Poet and Global War on Terror veteran Brian Turner will read to cadets enrolled in EN102 Literature. The reading is open to all interested members of the Corps, as well as to USMA staff, faculty, and community members. Mr. Turner will sign copies of his acclaimed first volume of poetry “Here, Bullet .”
Here are my suggestions for the Republican Party:
1. Go to elementary Schools and read about our history-(1st introduction to kids & parents) be ready for critical questions.
2. Go to Jr. & Sr. High Schools, do a reading about our nation’s history by reading, and defining the Constitution to them –or have Republican College students Perform it for them in their history class or at an assembly about America. (2nd introduction to kids & parents) Make certain to inform the attendees that “This is a “READING” a time to learn, and not a time for questions; but if they have any
Suggestions for the Republican Party. Cont.
(2) questions, please write to this office.” And give them an address and make certain ALL LETTER ARE ANSWERED.
3. Have a Guest Lecturer read the prayers of our Leaders and remember to advertise for the community (parents to attend) Make certain this lecturer is ready to answer very critical questions-especially about “Christians.”
4. A CONTEST: Provide them with the chance to win a trip to DC for them and their parents, to see the museums, and bring lots of pamphlets on great sites to see all around there, the famous streets, and the restaurants, etc. Let them bring these pamphlets home and leave some with the school.
5. An Essay on “Important decisions voted on” and when you do tell them this; tell them, “did you know that when Equal Rights was voted on, it was the Republican Party that voted it in, whereby the Democratic Party was mainly voting against it!” Then challenge them to research the way the parties voted; tell them to Look it up- you can find it online at this site, and give them the address.
6. And do this with other major “Rights Laws” that were supported highly by the Republican Party. Americans don’t know this! Believe me.
7. Send home packets of information for the parents to help them with. Research is hard, so make it easy, give them good links, and with the packets, offer the “Trip for the family” with all the sight seeing info for the parents to see, and to help their child win this trip for them.
8. Give the students an Outline. Give them a copy of how the essay is to look for them to Win this Trip to DC.
9. Make certain the teachers all have a copy and the Guidance counselors all get a copy so the front office has a copy and on the packet REMIND THEM: If you lose your copy of the essay outline, go to your counselor, or admin office they have all been given a copy.
10. Make certain that in the format of the essay you give them THREE accurate examples of how the VOTING of Rights is obtained. And how the parties voted.
11. LET them know How their State, Representative/Senator voted then, and recently, and from both parties.
12. Give them the information how their town/city officials voted.
13. INTRODUCE them to the importance of voting.
14. How about the Motor Vehicle laws?
15. How about Insurance laws?
16. What is a Democrat? Is what you believe true or where you told and just obeyed without thinking it out? Ask your parents for help on this question!
17. When did the Republicans come in and what is a Republican?
18. What is the difference or definition of Democrat and Republic and how should we use these two words when we think of our political society?
Suggestions for the Republican Party. Cont.
19. Have at least 3-5 winners. It gives them more desire and a greater chance of winning.
20. These future Essay contestants will know more about voting than their parents, and they can teach them!
21. How about the Rules when holding an Office?
a. Must be honest
b. Must be educated
c. Must be competent
d. Will not commit moral sins while in office
Then ask them:
• “Now, if you research the newspapers/magazines, or ask your parents, you can find out who committed the moral sins of murder, adultery, stealing, lying, deceit, making sexual advances to minors or those under their control.” This includes participation in KKK or other ethnic cleansing groups.
• You will find offenders in both parties. Does holding an office “Relieve Him from Judgment?”
• What should happen to them? Besides losing their jobs. Should they get a retirement that your taxes pay for?
22. Who voted a raise in officials pay and increased your taxes to pay for it?
23. When will our pay raises reach the raises in economic ratio?
Remember this: You can change the collegian’s mind with a lot of intellectual confrontations. But you want the minds of the children today-they will bring in their parents by putting them to shame for not knowing what they voted for or why they voted for a delegate. To make them think!
No official should consider these suggestions lightly. Like I said earlier, it is good publicity and even if you are not in office or lost the position you held, this gives you more time to become known more personally; especially when the new official has so many new meeting he will be attending, you can become notarized, but not as an official. “I am not here as an official, but as a guest, and I love having the chance to meet you, and talk personally with you” Holding an official position takes me away so much of the time, that I sometimes lose sight of the growth of my community and the diverse personalities and businesses we have.
• Plan on attending:
• Fairs/Festivals
• Student productions
• Shelters/Food Pantries
Suggestions for the Republican Party. Cont.
• Animal shelters
• Homes for Children-should be their Primary Goal. Have them set a priority to make it easier, within 2 months to finish the Adoption of a Child, that would not be adopted, that are in the “Independent Living Programs” set up by Soc Svc.
It is easier to adopt overseas than in NY. Yet, churches can get adoptions passed in no time in VA. Why not here? That is why so many children grow up “Unwanted” they are too old to be “cute.” It’s the politicians fault. So take up Arms and save the children from a lonely, unwanted, unloved life. People want to adopt, but the Red Tape is never ending; and too long so they give up. And the child is denied a family. CHANGE THE WAY it is done and DO IT RIGHT! The official will be remembered, and *his name will be passed on from one home to another. The newspapers will back him, magazines, TV shows, FREE PUBLICITY again, and the community will embrace *him. The County, and the State will proclaim his goodness and love of and for the people. Come on! What more can you ask for. Love the Homeless Children and win the hearts of the voters. Film children (like Dave Thomas did on TV one Christmas). The children no one wanted. They got adopted because of the ad. He will always be remembered by millions of people.
• The average age of the child waiting to be adopted from foster care is nearly 9
• The average number of months a child waiting to be adopted is 42 months
• More than 24,000 children exit the foster care system at age 18 without an adoptive family
Who will Take the Challenge of Winning America by Reaching the Children? Any questions please contact me at 845-569-8113 after 5:30 pm. Or by mail to: 18 Russo Drive, Newburgh, NY 12550.
Vivian Hannigan
*** him/his refers to both sexes.
As a believer who accepts the fact
that nothing is a surprise to God,
I am convinced that this past
"left-lurching" election was already known to God. He always has a purpose for the events of any nation. I also believe that our focus as Christians needs to be more or changing lives from within rather than changing the social order. If, and they are, the scriptures describing end-times are correct, then prayer for the lost not a vote, is the only thing that will make a difference
where it matters most. I'm not suggesting we not vote. I am suggesting we re-focus our energies
on "preaching the gospel to every
nation" rather than "preaching" politics.
I believe we can do both, being the salt of the earth by preaching the Gospel and living the Gospel even in the mission field of politics. If Jesus is Lord of all, then that must also include the political arena. We can do all things through Him who strengthens us; without Him we can do nothing!
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