Those expressing opposition to the New York Court of Appeals decision preserving the traditional definition of marriage seem to be missing two fundamental truths upon which this entire debate turns:
First, our “rights” are not granted by a judge or a government, but rather “secured” by government.
President Kennedy reminded us of this historical truth when he said in Inaugural Address, January 20, 1961:
“The rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God…here on earth God's work must truly be our own.”
This fundamental truth provides an absolute standard of right and wrong that has served to provide stability in our society unmatched by any country in all of world history. Remove that absolute, and as Dostoyevsky told us,
“If there is no God then anything is permissible.”
Therefore our quest must be to find consensus concerning God’s design for marriage, family and society. To the degree that we align ourselves with His design we experience peace and prosperity; to the degree that we distance ourselves from that design we experience chaos.
This is the privilege and awesome responsibility of “We The people” to strive toward that “more perfect Union.” We will, no doubt, reap the rewards or the consequences of our collective actions.
Secondly, is the fact that this is not a civil rights issue.
To equate current laws with those that banned interracial marriages is a total misapplication of fact. Laws that banned interracial marriage were inconsistent with God’s Law that defines marriage as the union of a husband and a wife without regard to race, religion or ethnicity, yet with a very clear distinction between a man and a woman. This is the nature, the essence, of marriage.
A circle with four corners is no longer a circle; a marriage between people of the same sex is not, in essence, a marriage. A Judge does not have the right to change the English language.
You don’t give a dog license to a cat, not because you’re bigoted against cats, but because the two are different animals. So it is with marriage and homosexual relationships. They are different animals.
Most Americans understand this distinction, and understand the ungodliness and injustice of banning interracial marriage. So when the courts ruled such laws to be unconstitutional the American public accepted it as one more step toward that perfect union.
On the other hand, the Roe v. Wade decision was not seen as a step advancing us in that direction, and so a significant segment of America did not accept that decision as evidenced by the ongoing Right-To-Life movement that will not quit until that issue is made right.
The Roe v. Wade decision is a better comparison, because a large segment of America will never accept anything to be legally right that we believe God has declared to be morally wrong.
Homosexuals are no more a minority class than drug addicts are. We must respect them, love them, care for them, want the very best for them, but never through our public policy should we enable them to continue in an unhealthy and abnormal lifestyle.
To equate this with the civil rights movement is an affront to true minorities. I am of Puerto Rican descent. I can never be an ex-Puerto Rican. Neither can an African American be an ex-African American. Yet there are thousands of ex-homosexuals who are living happy productive lives in natural family relationships.
First, our “rights” are not granted by a judge or a government, but rather “secured” by government.
President Kennedy reminded us of this historical truth when he said in Inaugural Address, January 20, 1961:
“The rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God…here on earth God's work must truly be our own.”
This fundamental truth provides an absolute standard of right and wrong that has served to provide stability in our society unmatched by any country in all of world history. Remove that absolute, and as Dostoyevsky told us,
“If there is no God then anything is permissible.”
Therefore our quest must be to find consensus concerning God’s design for marriage, family and society. To the degree that we align ourselves with His design we experience peace and prosperity; to the degree that we distance ourselves from that design we experience chaos.
This is the privilege and awesome responsibility of “We The people” to strive toward that “more perfect Union.” We will, no doubt, reap the rewards or the consequences of our collective actions.
Secondly, is the fact that this is not a civil rights issue.
To equate current laws with those that banned interracial marriages is a total misapplication of fact. Laws that banned interracial marriage were inconsistent with God’s Law that defines marriage as the union of a husband and a wife without regard to race, religion or ethnicity, yet with a very clear distinction between a man and a woman. This is the nature, the essence, of marriage.
A circle with four corners is no longer a circle; a marriage between people of the same sex is not, in essence, a marriage. A Judge does not have the right to change the English language.
You don’t give a dog license to a cat, not because you’re bigoted against cats, but because the two are different animals. So it is with marriage and homosexual relationships. They are different animals.
Most Americans understand this distinction, and understand the ungodliness and injustice of banning interracial marriage. So when the courts ruled such laws to be unconstitutional the American public accepted it as one more step toward that perfect union.
On the other hand, the Roe v. Wade decision was not seen as a step advancing us in that direction, and so a significant segment of America did not accept that decision as evidenced by the ongoing Right-To-Life movement that will not quit until that issue is made right.
The Roe v. Wade decision is a better comparison, because a large segment of America will never accept anything to be legally right that we believe God has declared to be morally wrong.
Homosexuals are no more a minority class than drug addicts are. We must respect them, love them, care for them, want the very best for them, but never through our public policy should we enable them to continue in an unhealthy and abnormal lifestyle.
To equate this with the civil rights movement is an affront to true minorities. I am of Puerto Rican descent. I can never be an ex-Puerto Rican. Neither can an African American be an ex-African American. Yet there are thousands of ex-homosexuals who are living happy productive lives in natural family relationships.
Civil rights movements are always characterized by the defense of an oppressed minority, a class that demonstrates disadvantage in three areas: economically, politically and socially.
In every area the homosexual community enjoys not only equality, but also superiority. They earn more, they have greater political clout, and they are the only protected social class.
In every area the homosexual community enjoys not only equality, but also superiority. They earn more, they have greater political clout, and they are the only protected social class.
They simply are not an oppressed minority, and it is an offense to legitimate minorities to place a group characterized by deviant behavior in the same class.
The New York Court of Appeals was correct in prohibiting a judge from changing the definition of words unilaterally, and placing the responsibility for writing the law on the State Legislature, the body that represents, We The People.”
Until we can find agreement on these two fundamental points further debate will only lead us in circles.
Very well stated Reverend Banuchi,
If you have time to listen to talk radio, or someone who can listen and notify you of opportunities to enlighten, you should try to call in to expose possibly hundreds of thousands if not millions to the straight forward eloquence of your arguments.
Especially your civil rights rebuttals.
Far too few in the clergy arm their people with such easily memorable messages to counter the propaganda of the secularists.
Talk radio can reach countless people who seek to evade religion based insight, and still enlighten them with a wealth of truths they need exposure to.
Anything you can do to weaken the grip of secular propaganda works to the greater good.
Thanks for your comments Tom. I do try to make myself available to participate in radio talk programs. I've done several with Alan Colmes, representing our side of course, as well as more local programs. However I 'm willing to go wherever the Lord opens doors. Thanks for being on the front line with me. God Bless!
I appreciate your consistant Christian stand concerning homosexual 'marriage'. There can be no such animal. It defeats the reason for a man to cleve to a wife for the purpose of procreation. Without which the human race will cease to exist. Even the animal world knows the difference. What they are demanding is pure sexual for pleasure alone and not for the purpose to become one flesh. Disease is rampant and will continue to grow as the immoral sex is practiced. Aids and STDs will eventually overtake the human race and prove its utter destruction. Keep on with your good work.
Rev. Claude I. Hine
The New york State Court of appeals gave us a much needed victory recently, but the war continues. The Gay marriage movement is very well financed and supported by Democratic party officials and the media. They are like the Islamic Extremists who want to destroy Israel, kill our soldiers, and destroy America. The radical Gay rights activists who claim to speak for Gay people are determined to make the 1972 Gay Rights Platform the law of the land. Pray for Israel and Our Armed Forces.
The New york State Court of appeals gave us a much needed victory recently, but the war continues. The Gay marriage movement is very well financed and supported by Democratic party officials and the media. They are like the Islamic Extremists who want to destroy Israel, kill our soldiers, and destroy America. The radical Gay rights activists who claim to speak for Gay people are determined to make the 1972 Gay Rights Platform the law of the land. Pray for Israel and Our Armed Forces.
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