The battle over the cross on Mt. Soledad in San Diego is representative of the larger war being waged across our nation from coast to coast.
Forces are leading a revolution intent on changing the basic nature of our country, which has always been in its systems and institutions, “One Nation Under God.”
These forces headed up by the ACLU are on a mission to change the very nature of our country, and if it means lying about our history and twisting the Constitution to mean something different than what our founders intended, so be it. After all, in their view “modern man” is much more enlightened than our less evolved founding fathers, and, of course, the Constitution must also evolve with humanistic, progressive enlightenment.
The cross on Mt. Soledad stands as a symbol of sovereignty over America. In the same way we all remember the pictures of Saddam Hussein’s statue being toppled in Baghdad, so the Atheistic Humanists see toppling the cross as their symbol of victory.
This next decade will determine whether we will continue to be One Nation Under God -a nation that looks to the God of the Bible as the source of our “inalienable” rights, or whether we will become a nation that has ejected God from our public life, and has placed human wisdom on the throne of sovereignty over our nation.
It can go either way, because we are, after all, a government “of the people.” If the people choose Humanism through their collective expression, we will no longer be that “One Nation Under God,” and we will be left to the consequences of our own devices.
The only people who will have the wisdom and power to preserve the foundations of our society are the people of faith who will leave their comfortable church pews to engage the enemy at the voting booth, and anywhere else he launches an attack on our Judeo-Christian heritage.
This is a rallying call to people of faith. There can be no slackers. We must all rise to the occasion. Church leaders must seek the heart and mind of Christ to discern His will for such a time as this. We must get out of our narrow focus that is pre-occupied with “our church,” “our denomination” or “our ministry,” and we must see the fields that are white for harvest in our communities, in our states and in our nation. We must not be “complacent in Zion.” We must bring the light of the Gospel into the political and public arena, or we will surely lose this nation, and God will hold us accountable for our failure to “possess the gates of our enemy.”
It is my earnest prayer that the U.S. Supreme Court will take up this case to once-and-for-all clearly state what our founders intended when they gave us the First Amendment and the idea of "separation of church and state." This is an opportunity to stop the advance of Atheistic socialism -- for now.
Mt. Soledad is about more than Mt. Soledad; it’s about the heart and soul of a nation, the nation that God has entrusted to our stewardship. How will we answer when he calls us to give account?
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