Tuesday, November 21, 2006

New York City Insanity

The New York City’s Board of Health plans to let people arbitrarily alter the sex on their birth certificates is a classic example of what you end up with when the inmates are running the asylum.

It’s insane to try to change history. A birth certificate certifies the sex of a human being at birth. Changing the record at a later time doesn’t change anything but someone’s delusions about their gender. For that matter, why not change the name one is born with, or the names of one’s parents? Why not? If one can change one record of history, why not another?

Unless sanity is restored, we’re headed for certain social chaos. If you think there are sexual identity problems now, just wait.

The New York Christian Coalition strongly encourages citizens of civil minds and common sense to insist that the New York City Board of Health abandons its illusions of grandeur and social experimentation for the benefit of our children who need stability and structure, not more insanity.


At 9:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think we have gone over the cliff, Bill. I simply don't know how to turn the tide of filth when it's become a tsunami.
Helen Westover

At 4:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What can be said but the "time" is short and soon our Lord will come and take us all out and let the world as we know it, self-destruct. They will begin to follow a lie and a liar. Already signs of delusion are prevelent and this latest move by the NY City health department is but one of many that people who are suppose to have an education display their lack of common sense. "Even So come Lord Jesus."

At 9:51 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Friends,

New York Plans to Make Gender Personal Choice

As "... The proposal reflects how the transgender movement has become politically potent beyond its small numbers, having roots in the muscular politics of the city’s gay rights movement...” one has to wonder how long before political potency causes the limitations on this to loosen so that people do not have to under go the indignity of having medical professionals validate their gender identity. ...At the final public hearing for the birth certificate proposal last week, a string of advocates and transsexuals suggested that common definitions of gender, especially its reliance on medical assessments, should be abandoned...

Given the political potency and muscular politics of this growing movement to allow people to define or redefine their gender and claim the legal rights attached to that status without even considering gender expression, apparently a born male would not even have to cross dress to be accepted as female, no matter how masculine he might appear all he would have to do is claim he is female..

Would it be possible to require a born male to carry identification qualifying him for access to sex segregated areas? If female lesbians are housed with other females why not a man who claims to be a transgender lesbian? ...“I’ve already heard of a ‘transgendered’ man who claimed at work to be ‘a woman in a man’s body but a lesbian’ and who had to be expelled from the ladies’ restroom because he was propositioning women there,” Dr. Paul McHugh, a member of the President’s Council of Bioethics and chairman of the psychiatry department at Johns Hopkins University, wrote in an e-mail message on the subject. “He saw this as a great injustice in that his behavior was justified in his mind by the idea that the categories he claimed for himself were all ‘official’ and had legal rights attached to them...”

Very little of this is being publicly discussed, most Americans probably are not even aware these issues exist, not to mentioned being informed enough to question where the candidates of New York may have stood on such issues, (the New York Times story was conveniently published election day)

Imagine if the evolution of same sex marriage was largely kept under the radar until after the closest major elections?

Yet if sick or perverted individuals choose to pass themselves off as transsexual in order to exploit what legal rights might be attached to being a transsexual lesbian, they stand to do even more damage than someone seeking a same sex marriage.

Regardless it seems this issue will be little reported until precedent setting policies have been established. Concerned citizens with questions will probably be censored or ignored, and discredited as intolerant haters or bigots.

Children and young people will be taught to be tolerant and accepting of men who claim to be women, even if they appear and express themselves as very male and are attracted to females, (transsexual lesbians deserve support and acceptance too.).

Will predators the likes of John Mark Karr, Michael Jackson, Robert/Michelle Kosilek and Corey Balashek/Corianna Thompson seek to exploit oppressed minority status, and seek to cast themselves as sympathetic characters for the leverage to exploit well meaning innocents?

Will perverts exploit the opportunity to go where other men are forbidden? Especially if their being there is expected to elicit preferential treatment, and elicit the treatment of those who are unaccepting as bigots and haters? Will we incentivize indulging in vices?

If women who seduce underage teen boys traditionally get more lenient treatment than men who exploit children, is it discrimination if someone who wasn't born a woman, but claims to be, is still punished like a man? Are we incentivizing predators passing for transsexual for preferential treatment?

Does asking, expressing concern and calling for discussion and answers before policy and precedent is established make people like me intolerant bigots? Will such concerns be suppressed until fresh made policy and precedent make them pretty much moot, women and children more vulnerable but "muscular agendas" met?

This appears an issue worth keeping track of.

Tom Chandler

Guilderland N.Y.



At 12:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not surprised. The New York City Council voted itself a 25% raise, voted to allow transgendered men to use women's restrooms, nearly banned gun ownership in NYC and tried to force churches who get city contracts to grant benefits to same sex couples. They are helping to fufill biblical prophecy.

At 12:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

it is time to talk it up, speak it out and do something about it. Get involved in your schools and find out about the NEA, Planned Parenthood and GLSEN influence on your kids- it is not good. It is time to tell your pastors, priests,and rabbis to stop hiding and enter the battle for righteousness by using the pulpit for the purpose it was given them. And all of us can write letters to our local newspapers and call our representatives and express our convictions. 'Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? Who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?"Psalm94-16. 'Consider it , confer, and speak up'. Jeanne

At 6:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Readers:

What this article fails to touch upon is the emotion involved with this issue. You are attempting to tell others how to live their lives... the Bible tells us not to judge others yet the NY Christian Coalition's response is disturbing. I commend New York City's decision to consider allowing individuals to alter the gender listed on their birth certificate -- the reality is that some people truly believe that they have been born in the wrong gender, or that they identify better with a different gender. Who are we to tell them otherwise? Who are we to judge others? We are not Jesus, and we surely never will be. However, the reality is that Jesus lives within each of us, he permeates our souls, and he guides us throughout our lives.

Isaiah 56 states: “Do not let the foreigner joined to the Lord say, ‘The Lord will surely separate me from his people’; and do not let the eunuch say, ‘I am just a dry tree.’ For thus says the Lord: To the eunuchs who keep my Sabbaths… I will give, in my house and within my walls, a monument and a name better than sons and daughters; I will give them an everlasting name that shall not be cut off. And the foreigners who… hold fast my covenant – these I will bring to my holy mountain, and make them joyful in my house of prayer… for my house shall be call a house of prayer for all peoples” (Isaiah 56:3-7). So I encourage you this Christmas season, to open your hearts, to embrace the diversity which the Lord has created in His image.

God bless and wishes for a healthy and merry Christmas season to you all.

Joseph Amodeo

At 12:55 PM, Anonymous Valerie Miller said...

Yes, this is pure insane... a sign of the end times... in The last days men will be lovers of themselves...


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