Tuesday, October 31, 2006


The New York Christian Coalition wants to encourage all its members and responsible citizens to be sure to get to the polls next week on November 7th, and take someone with you who wasn’t planning on voting. In fact, make a few phone calls and encourage others to get out and vote. There is too much at stake in this mid-term election to sit home. It seems like every year I find myself saying the same thing: “This is the most important election of our lifetime.” But it really is! The results of this election will determine whether we will remain a nation with liberty under God, or we will turn toward becoming an atheistic socialist nation. For those who would prefer an atheistic socialist nation they should vote Democratic. For those who wish to preserve liberty under God they would vote Conservative or Republican. There never has been a more clear distinction between the parties. The nation we pass on to our posterity will be determined by the choices we make as an electorate. Wherever you stand on the issues, do your duty to your country as good stewards of this government that God has entrusted to us. Make phone calls and encourage others to vote. Be sure you get out and vote next Tuesday and take someone with you.
Our children, and theirs’ are counting on it. Duty is ours; results are God’s.

Thursday, October 26, 2006


The recent decision by the New Jersey Supreme Court ordering the state legislature to write a law acommodating same-sex marriage or civil unions represents one more assault on our government “of the people” by judges determined to undermine the holy institution of marriage. By ordering the state legislature to re-write the laws to make same-sex relationships equal to traditional marriage, they presume to have authority over the legislature, when in fact, they have none. If any branch of government is to have authority above the others, it is that branch which represents the people, namely, the state legislature.

If the New Jersey legislature submits to the demands of these judges it will surrender the authority of the people, in effect, replacing a government of the people with the rule of an oligarchy. For the sake of the coming generations this must not be allowed to happen.

Furthermore, re-writing the marriage laws to include same-sex couples would serve to negate the special place that traditional marriage holds in our society, further contributing to the familial chaos already epidemic in our society.

The New York Christian Coalition wants to encourage our neighbors in New Jersey to rise up against this judicial tyranny. Call your legislators and encourage them to ignore the ruling of the Supreme Court, thus asserting, once-and-for-all the authority of the state legislature and preserving the time-tested institution that has been proven, by every measure of social science, to provide the best environment for young children in which to grow and prosper.

Thursday, October 05, 2006


The recent events surrounding the behavior of Congressman Mark Foley serve to remind us of the very reason our founding fathers required that our legislators must first profess a belief in God, the Bible and in the system of eternal rewards and punishment in order to hold public office. They recognized that every man and woman is subject to a sinful carnal nature that must be restrained by a strong moral code as defined in the Scriptures. They understood that you could not separate God from government without leaving a void that evil will be only too quick to fill. No political party can claim the moral high ground for we are all sinners and subject to the same delusion that Mark Foley apparently came under.
These events also provide a portent of things to come if we, as a nation, continue to provide an attitude of acceptance for sexual behavior outside of the holy institution of marriage, universally defined as the union of a man and a woman. Congressman Foley’s perverted behavior was based in a homosexual lust that defied reason. His inability to adhere to traditional norms has proven to be destructive to his own well-being, and damaging to the well-being of others. Social acceptance of any sexual expression outside of traditional mores will only help to perpetuate this type of damage to the well-being of coming generations.
For this reason we must hold high the standard of traditional marriage and sexuality or we will see a growing trend toward social depravity and our children, and theirs will pay for our indifference.