Monday, December 18, 2006


The New Jersey Legislature is sending a bill to the Governor for signature establishing the legal status of “civil union” to be equal to that of traditional marriage. The Governor said he would take a look at it to consider any unintended consequences before he signs it into law.

Well, let me suggest two:

First of all, the State legislature, by surrendering to the edict of the Supreme Court, has placed itself “under” the authority of the judicial branch of government. This sets a dangerous precedent, as it suggests that ultimately, the state is ruled by judges, and the purpose of the legislature is only to determine how to carry out the will of the judges.

This is absolutely and totally contrary to the letter and the spirit of the Constitution that created three co-equal branches of government, with the understood intent that the most influential branch would be the one which represents the voice of the people –the legislature.

Our founders never intended a rule by an oligarchy, which in effect, is what you have when old men in black robes call the shots. This is a dangerous new path we embark on that will ultimately lead to totalitarianism.

Secondly, by establishing a new institution called civil union, legislators are creating a new right, and in so doing, going well beyond their authority to secure those inalienable rights given to us by “nature and nature’s God.” John F. Kennedy, among others, reminded us that our rights are not given to us “…by the generosity of the state but by the hand of God.” It is not up to the states to create new rights. If they could point to this right to have a civil union anywhere in our Judeo-Christian tradition they would have a foundation upon which to stand. However because there is no such right given by God, they can not just create a new right out of thin air without dire consequences to the next generation.

Marriage is a holy and sacred institution given to us for the proper ordering of human civilization. It has already been devalued by no-fault divorce laws and radical individualism, a modern mindset that insists on the pursuit of selfish ambition over commitment to marriage and the natural family. The result has been an explosive population in our prison system and an epidemic of emotional and psychological disorder in children. We must not continue down this road of social devolution, but rather we must re-dedicate ourselves to those traditional institutions that have brought to this planet the greatest nation the world has ever known.

We encourage our neighbors in New Jersey to fight for the next generation. Tell Governor Corzine to refuse to sign a bill that will most assuredly continue to undermine marriage and family, the only solid foundation for a prosperous and peaceful society.

The next generation is counting on us.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

New York City Insanity

The New York City’s Board of Health plans to let people arbitrarily alter the sex on their birth certificates is a classic example of what you end up with when the inmates are running the asylum.

It’s insane to try to change history. A birth certificate certifies the sex of a human being at birth. Changing the record at a later time doesn’t change anything but someone’s delusions about their gender. For that matter, why not change the name one is born with, or the names of one’s parents? Why not? If one can change one record of history, why not another?

Unless sanity is restored, we’re headed for certain social chaos. If you think there are sexual identity problems now, just wait.

The New York Christian Coalition strongly encourages citizens of civil minds and common sense to insist that the New York City Board of Health abandons its illusions of grandeur and social experimentation for the benefit of our children who need stability and structure, not more insanity.

Thursday, November 09, 2006


The results of this year’s mid-term elections should serve as a cup of cold water in the face of those who take our liberty, peace and prosperity for granted.

Though we expect the next two years to be marked by national confusion and counter-productivity, we must use this time to make sober judgment of the condition of our nation, and the government we just elected into office. Our battle is for the soul of our nation. We must educate and motivate a complacent electorate to bring traditional American values back into government in 2008.

The New York Christian Coalition will re-organize, re-tool, and prepare to bring correction to the leftward lurch our nation has just made. If we do our part, and if God grants us favor, we may still be able to redeem the greatest nation the world has ever known.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


The New York Christian Coalition wants to encourage all its members and responsible citizens to be sure to get to the polls next week on November 7th, and take someone with you who wasn’t planning on voting. In fact, make a few phone calls and encourage others to get out and vote. There is too much at stake in this mid-term election to sit home. It seems like every year I find myself saying the same thing: “This is the most important election of our lifetime.” But it really is! The results of this election will determine whether we will remain a nation with liberty under God, or we will turn toward becoming an atheistic socialist nation. For those who would prefer an atheistic socialist nation they should vote Democratic. For those who wish to preserve liberty under God they would vote Conservative or Republican. There never has been a more clear distinction between the parties. The nation we pass on to our posterity will be determined by the choices we make as an electorate. Wherever you stand on the issues, do your duty to your country as good stewards of this government that God has entrusted to us. Make phone calls and encourage others to vote. Be sure you get out and vote next Tuesday and take someone with you.
Our children, and theirs’ are counting on it. Duty is ours; results are God’s.

Thursday, October 26, 2006


The recent decision by the New Jersey Supreme Court ordering the state legislature to write a law acommodating same-sex marriage or civil unions represents one more assault on our government “of the people” by judges determined to undermine the holy institution of marriage. By ordering the state legislature to re-write the laws to make same-sex relationships equal to traditional marriage, they presume to have authority over the legislature, when in fact, they have none. If any branch of government is to have authority above the others, it is that branch which represents the people, namely, the state legislature.

If the New Jersey legislature submits to the demands of these judges it will surrender the authority of the people, in effect, replacing a government of the people with the rule of an oligarchy. For the sake of the coming generations this must not be allowed to happen.

Furthermore, re-writing the marriage laws to include same-sex couples would serve to negate the special place that traditional marriage holds in our society, further contributing to the familial chaos already epidemic in our society.

The New York Christian Coalition wants to encourage our neighbors in New Jersey to rise up against this judicial tyranny. Call your legislators and encourage them to ignore the ruling of the Supreme Court, thus asserting, once-and-for-all the authority of the state legislature and preserving the time-tested institution that has been proven, by every measure of social science, to provide the best environment for young children in which to grow and prosper.

Thursday, October 05, 2006


The recent events surrounding the behavior of Congressman Mark Foley serve to remind us of the very reason our founding fathers required that our legislators must first profess a belief in God, the Bible and in the system of eternal rewards and punishment in order to hold public office. They recognized that every man and woman is subject to a sinful carnal nature that must be restrained by a strong moral code as defined in the Scriptures. They understood that you could not separate God from government without leaving a void that evil will be only too quick to fill. No political party can claim the moral high ground for we are all sinners and subject to the same delusion that Mark Foley apparently came under.
These events also provide a portent of things to come if we, as a nation, continue to provide an attitude of acceptance for sexual behavior outside of the holy institution of marriage, universally defined as the union of a man and a woman. Congressman Foley’s perverted behavior was based in a homosexual lust that defied reason. His inability to adhere to traditional norms has proven to be destructive to his own well-being, and damaging to the well-being of others. Social acceptance of any sexual expression outside of traditional mores will only help to perpetuate this type of damage to the well-being of coming generations.
For this reason we must hold high the standard of traditional marriage and sexuality or we will see a growing trend toward social depravity and our children, and theirs will pay for our indifference.

Monday, August 28, 2006


In the early days of our nation “Election Sermons” were preached each year on, or before Election Day. The pastor-preachers, often the most educated and influential citizens in the community, instructed the congregation on the major issues of the day, and where the candidates running for political office stood on those issues. They would tell the people which of the candidates demonstrated virtuous Christian character. There were no IRS or FEC restrictions. Preachers weren’t afraid to preach politics. In fact, they understood it to be one of their primary responsibilities as part of preaching the whole Gospel. They regularly told their congregations who was worthy of their vote and who wasn’t.

It wasn’t until Lyndon B. Johnson decided he wanted “pay back” for some Texas clergy who spoke out against him because of his immoral character. In 1954 Johnson attached a rider to an obscure bill that had the affect of literally silencing the church for almost 50 years. Well, today there is a “Houses of Worship Free Speech Restoration Act” HR 235, introduced to liberate clergy from the muzzle imposed by Johnson’s vindictive actions. It will enable preachers, once again, to speak out on all vital and moral and political questions of the day without fear that the IRS will revoke their tax-exempt status.

There should be no reason why the clergy should be the only ones deprived of the right to free speech. In fact, it was the clergy, and their pulpits “ablaze with glory” that gave birth to this new nation, because they weren’t afraid to “get political” and speak out against injustice when they saw it. Oh, how things have changed!

Our pastors and our preachers must demonstrate the boldness to preach about the issues of the day to educate the Body of Christ concerning godly civic leadership. Jethro told Moses to choose men who fear God, and who hate dishonest gain to rule over Israel. In the same way, we must choose men and women who will lead this nation in such a way that we will remain “One nation Under God.”

Our pulpits must be “ablaze with glory” once again as preachers tackle some of the most challenging issues of our time. They must once again preach and teach about the sovereignty of God in the life of our nation. They must preach about the evils of:
  • Godlessness in our public schools
  • Atheistic Socialism
  • The radical homosexual agenda and sexual immorality
  • The increase of big government and higher taxes
  • Corruption in politics and public service
  • Addiction to gambling, pornography, drugs and alcoholism
  • …and so much more…

When was the last time we heard a sermon on any of these topics? We live in challenging times when preachers must get out of their comfort zones and begin to preach righteousness once again.

The “Black Robe Regiment,” as the clergy were known by King George before the War for Independence, must, once again, be a force to contend with, or we will continue to lose the favor of God, and our children will be forced to live under the curse of bondage, because we failed to proclaim the Lord in the land.

I recognize I may be ruffling some feathers, and perhaps, even lose a supporter or two, but I cannot remain silent when there is so much at stake. I recently found out I am going to be a grandfather next January. That news compels me even more to be sure I do all that I can to pass on to my grandchild the nation that my Father passed on to me.

I encourage all pastors to prayerfully consider preaching an “Election Sermon” for 2006. It’s still legal to preach about the issues. The only thing a pastor can’t do is to advocate the election or the defeat of a particular person or political party. I will be preaching in various places around the state before the elections, but I can’t be everywhere. The Black Robe Regiment must be “re-activated” if we are to see our children enjoy the same liberties our forbears passed on to us.

Charles Finney told us, “God will bless or curse this country according to the course Christians take in politics.” It begins with the leaders. Let’s lead!