Monday, December 18, 2006


The New Jersey Legislature is sending a bill to the Governor for signature establishing the legal status of “civil union” to be equal to that of traditional marriage. The Governor said he would take a look at it to consider any unintended consequences before he signs it into law.

Well, let me suggest two:

First of all, the State legislature, by surrendering to the edict of the Supreme Court, has placed itself “under” the authority of the judicial branch of government. This sets a dangerous precedent, as it suggests that ultimately, the state is ruled by judges, and the purpose of the legislature is only to determine how to carry out the will of the judges.

This is absolutely and totally contrary to the letter and the spirit of the Constitution that created three co-equal branches of government, with the understood intent that the most influential branch would be the one which represents the voice of the people –the legislature.

Our founders never intended a rule by an oligarchy, which in effect, is what you have when old men in black robes call the shots. This is a dangerous new path we embark on that will ultimately lead to totalitarianism.

Secondly, by establishing a new institution called civil union, legislators are creating a new right, and in so doing, going well beyond their authority to secure those inalienable rights given to us by “nature and nature’s God.” John F. Kennedy, among others, reminded us that our rights are not given to us “…by the generosity of the state but by the hand of God.” It is not up to the states to create new rights. If they could point to this right to have a civil union anywhere in our Judeo-Christian tradition they would have a foundation upon which to stand. However because there is no such right given by God, they can not just create a new right out of thin air without dire consequences to the next generation.

Marriage is a holy and sacred institution given to us for the proper ordering of human civilization. It has already been devalued by no-fault divorce laws and radical individualism, a modern mindset that insists on the pursuit of selfish ambition over commitment to marriage and the natural family. The result has been an explosive population in our prison system and an epidemic of emotional and psychological disorder in children. We must not continue down this road of social devolution, but rather we must re-dedicate ourselves to those traditional institutions that have brought to this planet the greatest nation the world has ever known.

We encourage our neighbors in New Jersey to fight for the next generation. Tell Governor Corzine to refuse to sign a bill that will most assuredly continue to undermine marriage and family, the only solid foundation for a prosperous and peaceful society.

The next generation is counting on us.