New York City Insanity
The New York City’s Board of Health plans to let people arbitrarily alter the sex on their birth certificates is a classic example of what you end up with when the inmates are running the asylum.
It’s insane to try to change history. A birth certificate certifies the sex of a human being at birth. Changing the record at a later time doesn’t change anything but someone’s delusions about their gender. For that matter, why not change the name one is born with, or the names of one’s parents? Why not? If one can change one record of history, why not another?
Unless sanity is restored, we’re headed for certain social chaos. If you think there are sexual identity problems now, just wait.
The New York Christian Coalition strongly encourages citizens of civil minds and common sense to insist that the New York City Board of Health abandons its illusions of grandeur and social experimentation for the benefit of our children who need stability and structure, not more insanity.