Tuesday, April 18, 2006


I don’t think I can stomach one more wishy-washy Republican making the point that he’s not questioning someone’s patriotism, when in fact that person’s patriotism is exactly what must be questioned.

Many who claim to be patriots are not patriots at all, at least not of this country. They want another United States of America, one that doesn’t exist but in the fantasies of their minds. The country of their affections is one in which:

  • God is not a part
  • Christians are not taken seriously
  • Popular opinion is the acceptable standard of morality
  • The Government’s job is to provide for the needs of the people
  • The wealth of the rich is to be redistributed to others
  • Homosexuality and pornography are to be accepted as normal and healthy
  • Citizens are not one nation under God (melting pot) but rather many nations (salad bowl) under many gods, or no god at all, different sub-cultures competing for a bigger slice of the American pie.

    These characteristics do not describe the historical nature of our country, which has always found its stability in the sovereignty of God, and in His laws as we have come to understand them.

    There is a socialist revolution afoot intent on replacing the America we know with one we don’t know. These revolutionaries are not patriots, but rather subversives, and they must be identified as such. Most Republicans I hear demonstrate an ignorant naiveté when they presume that these liberal revolutionaries are dealing in “good faith” because they too are patriotic Americans. Hogwash! They are subversives who will lie, cheat, steal and do whatever they must for the cause of their atheistic socialist revolution. Republicans will lose elections, and America will lose its liberty, because of the ignorance and spinelessness on the part of Republicans.

    This is nothing less than political warfare. Traditionalists must rise up to fight to preserve our nation and its systems and institutions against atheistic socialists who see their revolution as social progress. My heart yearns to hear a national leader proclaim, “No more Mr. Nice Guy. From now on we will fight to preserve this “One Nation Under God.”

    Then perhaps our children may have the opportunity to defend it again in their time against this persistent enemy. When I was sworn into the Air Force many years ago I swore to protect our nation against all enemies, foreign and domestic. The truth is we still have enemies both foreign and domestic. It’s time we identified the enemy and questioned patriotism.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Illegal Immigration Legislation

The New York Christian Coalition is calling on our legislators in Washington to pass illegal immigration legislation that will, first of all, protect American citizens and preserve the rule of law. These two issues must take priority over the welfare of non-citizen criminals and the interests of American business. We strongly reject any legislation that will provide for the forgiveness of criminal behavior i.e., crossing our borders illegally. This would create a special class to whom current law will not apply, thus violating the constitutional principle of equal protection under the law. This rule of law must not be compromised by situational ethics. We have never been ruled by a system of fluid laws that change with every changing wind of circumstance; it must not be so now.

Furthermore, to teach the lesson that it’s acceptable to break the law and expect the law to be changed to accommodate the lawbreaker sets an unhealthy precedent that will shape the mindsets of 11 million illegal aliens who will then become Americans. Why should we expect them to be law-abiding citizens when their Americanism is a product of law breaking. There will be a higher percentage of lawbreakers in this group that is birthed out of law breaking. Wisdom forewarns us that this is a sure way to increase the crime rate in America. This is not a matter of racial discrimination; it’s a matter of logic.

“Where will we find workers to take these jobs that Americans won’t do?” This too is an argument based in situational ethics rather than the principled rule of law. We have federal minimum wage laws because we believe that business should not exploit people. To say that it’s OK to pay Mexicans a lesser amount is to declare them less than human deserving the same minimum wage given to other people. Again, this represents a violation of the idea of equal protection under the law. If our laws are to protect people they should apply to all people equally. Let market forces find their balance while maintaining the integrity of our system based on principles, not situations. Businesses that hire illegal aliens and pay them less than minimum wage are aiding and abetting criminals while engaging in criminal activity themselves by paying less than the federal minimum wage. These employers must also be subject to “equal protection under the law.”

These are just a few of the most pressing issues that must be considered by legislators considering reforming our immigration laws. We must not perpetuate a system that is undermining our core principles and the rule of law. We must protect American citizens first, and preserve the rule of law second.

We will support only that legislation that reflects these values, and we will keep a record of those legislators who vote according to principles, rather than politics or situational ethics.