Tuesday, January 03, 2006


The following general principles provide the priorities, foundation and framework for legislative and political initiatives of the New York Christian Coalition. (A Further discussion of each of these points can be found on our web site: www.nychristiancoalition.org.)

1. Reaffirm the primacy of God in our public life and institutions.

a. Reaffirm our National Motto, “In God We Trust” as a matter of fact

(Public acknowledgment of God and a corporate endeavor to discern and obey his will and pattern for living is fundamental to civil order, peace and prosperity.)

b. Teach our children the role that God, and faith have played, and continue to play in the public life of our nation.

2. End Abortion

a. Pray for the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

b. Promote Parental Notification

c. Ban Partial Birth Abortion

d. Re-establish the sanctity of Human Life at both ends of human life by outlawing cloning, embryonic stem cell research, and assisted suicide.

3. Preserve and Protect the Family

a. Protect Marriage – Reaffirm marriage as being the union of a male and a female, by whatever constitutional means necessary.

b. Provide financial relief via voucher systems or tax credits for children to attend the best schools as determined by their parents.

c. Restore public education to soundness, establishing the priorities of the children’s well-being over the interests of teachers’ unions.

d. Reaffirm and enforce pornography and obscenity laws.

4. Preserve and Protect The Church

a. Reaffirm the special place the Church holds in society

b. Defend against anti-church, anti-religious bigotry and abusive utilization of zoning authority.

c. Insist on righteousness in Government by re-establishing Biblical standards of morality as the basis for law.

d. Insist that judges are appointed who interpret the Constitution in a manner that is consistent with the intent of the framers

5. Exercise Christian Ethics in our Economy

a. Work toward the reduction of and/or elimination of taxes to reduce the power of the Federal Government and diffuse it among state and local governments, and individual citizens.

b. End legalized gambling

6. Unify American Citizens –

a. Work toward a color-blind society with equal opportunity for all regardless of race, religion, or national origin.

b. Identify the general characteristics of Americanism –“One Nation Under God.”

c. Help immigrants learn English as quickly as possible so that they too can compete and share in the “American dream.”

7. National Security

a. Secure our borders –enforce the immigration laws and punish violators.

b. Support our Commander-In-Chief in the War against Terrorism while being vigilant over our civil liberties.

c. Support the spread of freedom and democracy.

d. Identify and stop the encroachment of statism, totalitarianism, communism or socialism whether from foreign or domestic origin.

These are just some of the guiding principles that will direct our political, legislative and spiritual efforts in 2006. We desire to “serve” as a resource for the Church and the nation, to help educate and motivate Christians for effective citizen participation in this government “of the people.”