Tuesday, June 28, 2005

10 Commandments Decision -ludicrous!

This is a sad day for America. In the early 60’s the U.S. Supreme Court began the process of ejecting God from American public life. Today, it took a major step in accelerating that process. In McCreary v. the ACLU of Kentucky five liberal justices, without precedent or principle, advanced their political agenda by simply declaring that a display of the Ten Commandments is unconstitutional because it advances the cause of religion. Yet in the decision in Van Orden v. Perry in Texas the same Ten Commandments may be displayed because it is a “passive” display –how ludicrous! Since when is the constitutionality of a law determined by the anticipated effect it would have on others! Let’s be real. The Ten Commandments are publicly displayed all over the country because they represent the ideas that form the basis of our legal system –ideas like don’t murder, don’t steal, don’t bear false witness, even ideas like honor your parents, and worshiping God. These are the ideas upon which our liberty has stood for 229 years. Truth must be restored --the truth that our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people; it is wholly inadequate for the governing of any other[1]. We must have justices who will interpret the Constitution according to the original intent of the founders, and not according to the whims of the times. Jews, Christians and even Muslims must pray that President Bush will appoint men to the Supreme Court who will rule according to Biblical principles, or we will be as President Reagan warned, “a nation gone under.”

[1] John Quincy Adams

Friday, June 24, 2005

Kennedy Needs to resign now!

The New York Christian Coalition expresses a deep sense of outrage concerning remarks made by legislators like Ted Kennedy who are giving aid and comfort to the enemy for their own political ends. His continual characterization of the war as a “quagmire” and his accusations of incompetence directed at the Secretary of Defense are so beyond the pale that it would only make sense if he were on the Al Quaida payroll.

It is time we acknowledge that there are legislators who are deliberately attempting to undermine our efforts against terrorism to advance their own political agendas. To these legislators all politics is “politics” even when it involves the lives of our young men and women overseas.

Every intelligent team of parents knows how important it is to present a united front to effectively raise children. If you demonstrate division the children tend to take advantage of it for their own purposes. How much more does that principle apply when you’re talking about defending a nation?

This does not mean we cannot question policies. We, in fact, have a responsibility to do so when there is a valid concern. But you do it behind closed doors, not in a public arena where the world press magnifies such criticism and uses it against our own troops.

Either these legislators are totally ignorant or totally devious. In either case they must be held accountable for their misdeeds. This behavior must not be condoned if we are to remain the great nation we have become. Senator Kennedy should resign immediately.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Death Threats and Tolerance

Death threats in the name of tolerance.

I came into my office Monday morning and turned on the answering machine to hear cursing and threats to kill me, because of an article on a pro-gay web blog that took one of our recent press releases and twisted and spun it to say that we advocate labeling gays, when we never said such a thing. The responses that filled my e-mail in-box, and telephone answering machine were most revealing. It’s been said that when the tube is squeezed you get to see what was inside. Well, the pro-gay blogger squeezed the tube and we’re seeing what is in the hearts and minds of those who claim to be proponents of “tolerance.”

Aside from every expletive imaginable, the general message is that we should be murdered because we are evil and we’re going to hell for our sin.

This type of response is typical when the merits of an issue cannot be challenged. A “strawman” is established by claiming the person said something he never said, then attacking him for that which was never said. When you can’t challenge the message simply try to discredit the messenger.

The hatred and venom contained in these responses reveals what’s truly in the heart of those who claim to be “loving.” Their responses are black and white illustrations of bigotry and hatred accusing us of bigotry and hatred. How interesting! Truth must be consistent with itself to be truth. This is beyond irony.

Let’s set the record straight. We never said or even suggested that gays should be labeled.
For what purpose? It makes no sense. (If gays were really proud of what they are, why would they have a problem with labels anyway? I would gladly wear a label as a Christian. But that’s beside the point.) We never said it, nor would we ever say it. What we said was that cigarette packs are labeled because smoking is hazardous to your health. That’s simply a statement of fact. We then drew a contrast to the way we deal with homosexual behavior by celebrating it, when all the studies show, and common sense and observation verify that promiscuous homosexual behavior is much more dangerous than smoking.

We were specifically talking about warning against behaviors that are hazardous to one’s health. This is something the gay community does on a regular basis, but if a member of the Christian community says the same thing he’s an evil bigot deserving of hell.

The question begs to be asked seriously, “Where really is the bigotry and hate?”

To see the original press release we published click here.

To See the actual responses we received click here

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