10 Commandments Decision -ludicrous!
This is a sad day for America. In the early 60’s the U.S. Supreme Court began the process of ejecting God from American public life. Today, it took a major step in accelerating that process. In McCreary v. the ACLU of Kentucky five liberal justices, without precedent or principle, advanced their political agenda by simply declaring that a display of the Ten Commandments is unconstitutional because it advances the cause of religion. Yet in the decision in Van Orden v. Perry in Texas the same Ten Commandments may be displayed because it is a “passive” display –how ludicrous! Since when is the constitutionality of a law determined by the anticipated effect it would have on others! Let’s be real. The Ten Commandments are publicly displayed all over the country because they represent the ideas that form the basis of our legal system –ideas like don’t murder, don’t steal, don’t bear false witness, even ideas like honor your parents, and worshiping God. These are the ideas upon which our liberty has stood for 229 years. Truth must be restored --the truth that our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people; it is wholly inadequate for the governing of any other[1]. We must have justices who will interpret the Constitution according to the original intent of the founders, and not according to the whims of the times. Jews, Christians and even Muslims must pray that President Bush will appoint men to the Supreme Court who will rule according to Biblical principles, or we will be as President Reagan warned, “a nation gone under.”
[1] John Quincy Adams