Monday, November 28, 2005

Ramsay Clark Reveals the Real Enemy.

The recent news that former attorney general Ramsay Clark has decided to represent Saddam Hussein in his trial in Iraq demonstrates more clearly than anything to date the face of the real enemy –the America left.

It has become increasingly clear that the leaders of the American leftist political movement have one agenda: to topple the American Government and seize power by whatever means possible including outright treason. Since they cannot gain power through elections they have resorted to every other means possible, including finding legal loopholes to bring impeachment charges against President Bush and members of his administration. Just imagine if George Bush were caught in the same despicable acts of behavior Bill Clinton was. There would be no mercy!

If the war in Iraq is not a success it will not be because of our military or the present administration; it will be because of the leftist movement working to undermine the war effort in order to seize political power. It must be said, they care more about seizing power than they do about our men and women in combat. That’s made evident by their willingness to challenge the present administration openly and publicly with the affect of “giving aid and comfort to the enemy.” If they were sincere about objections to the war and support for our troops they would be working diligently behind closed doors to effect change. But that won’t help them undermine the President, so they attack him publicly. They are obsessed with the drive for power and measure the value of all things only as they serve the purpose of toppling Bush.

It’s clear they want a new America, no longer “one nation under God” but a multi-cultural nation under man, where our basic values are replaced by progressive, pagan and hedonistic values.

If they succeed America will join the other once great nations of the world that have abandoned order and righteousness. Our grandchildren will know liberty only through the distorted lenses of revisionist history books.

Abraham Lincoln reminded us that only that nation is blessed whose God is the Lord. For Ramsay Clark and the American left that’s one God too many for them. They will be gods, and the American people better like it.

It’s time we identified the real enemy, and understood that we can no longer deal with the radical left in good faith. We do not have the same love for country. We love the country that is; they love the country they imagine they can have.

Who will win? I don’t know. Edmund Burke taught us that all that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. I guess we’ll see.


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