Christians will stay home on Election day
The Washington Times recently reported that the National Republican party is “quietly backing” William Weld and Jeanine Pirro for November elections in New York.
If this is true the New York Christian Coalition will call on its members and supporters to send a clear and unmistakable message to the Republican leadership: “We will not vote for any candidate who supports the killing of babies in the womb, under any circumstances, even if it means a win for the Democrats.”
The New York Republican Party, and in fact the National Republican Party is looking more like the Democrats every day. They are softening on their positions in defense of the unborn and in the preservation of traditional marriage. These are two issues that are non-negotiable for Christians and for Americans who believe in preserving the values that made this nation what it is today.
If the best the Republicans have to offer is the likes of William Weld and Jeanine Pirro, we will encourage our members to stay home on Election Day or vote for third party candidates, rather than being complicit in the continuing murder of over 1 million innocent babies every year.
If it means a win for the Democrats, then let it be. Maybe we need to end up in the pigpen before we will come to our senses to vote for righteous leaders who will rule in the fear of The Lord. If this be the case, the sooner the better.
Last election everyone was surprised because it was the “values voters” that came to the poles in record numbers to give the Republicans victories throughout the nation. Well, since then the “values voters” have become even more informed and engaged, and we will once again make the difference in the next election, but this time it may very well be by staying home on Election Day, or voting for third party candidates. We cannot, in good conscience, vote for people who will continue the slaughter of unborn babies. That’s where we must draw the line; that’s the litmus test.
Coming in a close second place is the issue of preserving traditional marriage. Though this issue is not as urgent as the abortion issue, it is nevertheless just as important to the preservation of a nation of peace and order for future generations.
The Democrats may very well have their “day in the sun,” if the Republicans run social liberals. The Republicans will lose; America will lose. We will find ourselves in the pigpen crying out for help. Let’s only hope that our God will hear us.
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