Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Intelligent Design in Public Schools

Backdrop: President Bush expressed his desire to see our public schools teach both theories of the origin of life: evolution and intelligent design, because he has confidence in the intelligence of our young people that presented with all available evidence they will choose for themselves that theory which will eventually prove to be true.

In the name of academic freedom we should give our young people all the data, and let them choose.

Yet, Barry Lynn, of Americans for Separation of Church and State called the President's comments "irresponsible," suggesting they demonstrate a "low level of understanding of science." He said that the President "doesn't understand that one is a religious viewpoint and one is a scientific viewpoint."

These comments aren’t just irresponsible but rather reflect gross ignorance. Intelligent Design has nothing to do with religion; it makes no attempt to identify the source of intelligence, but simply states that some type of supreme intelligence was needed to create our natural universe. Intelligent Design says that’s where the evidence points. The identity of that intelligence is left to religion in the absence of further evidence.

Barry Lynn, and his ilk count on the gullibility of the public, and the strategy of William James who said there is no lie so absurd that repeated often enough would not be believed.

They’ve said it so often that some people actually believe evolution is science, but ask them why, and you’ll see a blank stare followed by “Everybody knows it is.”

Those who claim that Intelligent Design is not science discount
The fact that over 600 members of the Creation Research Society who hold post-graduate degrees say it is science. In their book people like Isaac Newton, Luis Pasteur and countless others were not scientists because they believed in intelligent design.

Truth be told, it takes more faith to believe in random selection than it does to believe in intelligent design.

Random selection says if I throw nuts and bolts together long enough I’ll eventually come out with a space shuttle! That takes faith -or rather- foolishness!

Whatever happened to academic freedom and critical inquiry?
We’re saying put your best argument out there. Show us your evidence, and let the student decide.

This is the Scopes trial in reverse. In 1925 the objection was the dogmatic teaching of Creation; today, it’s the dogmatic teaching of evolution.

Narrow-minded religious zealots of evolution want no competition in the marketplace of ideas, because they know evolution is the cornerstone of godless Secular Humanism, the religion that elevates man to the place of God, and gives license to ignore God’s moral laws. Sir Julian Huxley, one of their leading advocates told us they “accepted evolution without evidence because the idea of God would interfere with our sexual mores.”
At least he was honest!

We’re not trying to bring the Bible into the classroom, or trying to exclude evolution; we’re simply asking schools to be neutral between theories of origin, and to allow academic freedom of choice for the students.

Evolutionists are the ones advancing the religion of Secular Humanism. They are all Atheists, or at least people who live their lives as though there was no God.

We owe it to our young people to present them with all the information on such an important issue that will determine how they see all of life, and trust them to make an intelligent decision.

It’s time we stop trying to brainwash them –or rather brain pollute them- with the lie of evolution which is nothing more than a deluge of data, strung together by imagined inference.

I trust the intelligence of our young people; teach them both, and let them decide.


At 3:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last time I checked, Christianity was a religion based on love and acceptance. Your comments do not seem very loving or accepting at all.


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